Thursday, January 1, 2009

Merry Christmas! (a little late!)

Eli and Elana were so much fun this Christmas. From making Christmas cookies to putting up the tree to learning the Christmas Story, it was so neat to see how excited they got about everything. Even though they didn't want to sit with Santa this year-Elana gave him a "5" and hugged Mrs. Claus-Eli wouldn't even go near him-they couldn't wait for him to come to our house. They enjoyed watching "Polar Express" and Santa even brought them a bell just like the boy in the movie.

They both ended up with more toys and things then they need, but I have to admit this year was pretty fun since they got so many "big kid" things.

Elana got her very own apron and mixer just like mommy's and Eli got a new saw that even had goggles!

We have also been enjoying this wonderful Minnesota winter that we've been having. Both of them love to play outside and got new shovels for Christmas so they can help with the driveway.

Eli loves daddy's snowmobiles and even found one that was his size when we were at the snowmobile shop, and now seems to think that he needs one. Elana isn't as interested in the snowmobiles but she wants a pink one just like the one Eli wants. Hopefully we'll get some warmer weather soon so we can all go for a ride. We hope eveyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a great start to the New Year!